Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bowling for Columbine thingy

Michael Moore's thesis in Bowling for Columbine is that guns are way too easy to get a hold of and are not being used in the proper way. Teenagers have easy access to firearms and ammo anywhere they go. Almost everyone these days have weapons and it isn't safe.

He supports this in many different ways. He questions why there are so many killings in America and almost none in other countries.
  • One example is that the guy had a .44 Magnum under his pillow.
  • To get a gun, all you had to do was open a bank account and you got one for free.
  • Michael Moore used Archival footage to present the two people at Columbine School that shot a bunch of people with M-16's. They bought their ammo just across the street at K-Mart.
  • The guy that was interviewed at the arcade was #2 on the suspect list just because he had a book on how to make bombs, and he knew how to make bombs.

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